Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Chet and Scott have locked themselves in their basement with several six-packs of root beer, three pies, and some hard-copies of the compilation of their book! Editing has been going for about 6 hours now, and so far they are about half-way done with finalizing all the changes! This means all those grammar and spelling mistakes the readers emailed them about relentlessly which they never had the time or energy to change will be corrected! So horray for the grammar police.
Tons of new stories have been written as well. They include stories about Chet and Scott's freaky-wierd roomate, a story entitled "The Tech, the Witch, and the Notebook," along with a great recap of the end of their summer sales adventures and where they are now.
Keep any eye on the future updates for information on when the book is going to be in print and when you can pick up your very own!

Monday, February 7, 2011


As hectic as our lives have become being in law school and in the military it may LOOK like we abandoned this project...
but instead of posting here we have been busy compiling a book! That's right! All your favorite stories in one convenient location, plus a few new ones to keep the laughs coming!
Keep checking back for the official announcement of when it will be available to purchase and where to get it at!